A Svbtle Approach

So, I’m ticking along nicely with WordPress. After several years I have got to the point where I have fairly good systems in place to make operations run smoothly. For example, because my live installs are now covered by Git, I can use the automatic updating facilities but track all the changes that are made and easily feed them back into my local master copies. My blogging needs are better covered than ever before.

This morning, via a tweet, I discovered Svbtle. This is a minimalistic approach to the idea of blogging that has only just been opened up to general access. Do I need that? I am wondering if it might serve as a pre-blogging platform. My initial impression is that provides a clean and rather beautiful framework for throwing down ideas and working them up into fuller posts which can then be copied to my WordPress blog. Having a duplicate copy of the post appear on the Svbtle site doesn’t hurt since I am not desperate to funnel all my traffic onto one site where I can count it or to build (and suck money from) an audience.

So, I am giving it a shot. Like many bright ideas on the Internet, it may come to nothing or mutate to the point where it no longer feels comfortable. There is also every chance that it will be an unnecessary addition to my workflow and get knocked off in the stream of live. However, it doesn’t hurt to give it a go. If nothing else, I love the subtle pun in the title typography, so here is my first svbtle post.


Now read this

Mining the Social Web (2nd Edition) by Matthew A Russell

This is a book for a relatively small niche. Most users of the social web (Twitter, Facebook, etc) won’t have the programming expertise to follow the technical details and most programmers won’t be interested in the data which come from... Continue →